Not everyone who looks happy is
happy. You know that. I know that. We know that in general, don't we? It certainly is so easy to be jealous of another couple's
apparent problem less existence. Isn't it amazing how green the pasture looks on the other side of the fence?
I remember a couple of whom I was
jealous. He was handsome and well educated. She was physically gorgeous and seemed to be the perfect mother. They had a beautiful
house, cars and an airplane. Wherever he went, doors of influence and power were opened to him. They took exotic vacations.
They were able to charter their own yachts with full crew. They were Christians, active in their church and generous with
their money.
This is a natural extension of
the first myth. When you discover that Mr. Perfect isn't so perfect and Mrs. Perfect isn't so perfect, there is a human tendency
to wonder if perhaps one married the wrong person.
Think back to the circumstances
under which you married, if you are or have been married. I am speaking now primarily to persons who are married or have been
married, although there are very serious implications for those who are in the process of selecting a mate. The reason I am
reserving this to those of us who are married or have been married is that hindsight brings with it an amazingly accurate
insight, compared to feelings of the present.

Think back to the circumstances
under which you married, if you are or have been married. I am speaking now primarily to persons who are married or have been
married, although there are very serious implications for those who are in the process of selecting a mate. The reason I am
reserving this to those of us who are married or have been married is that hindsight brings with it an amazingly accurate
insight, compared to feelings of the present.
Be honest with yourself. Why did
you marry that man? What did you think you could get from him? Why did you marry that woman? What did you see in her? What
could she give you? Some of us will have to scratch our memories a bit. We are now 10, 20, 30, 40 to 50 years beyond that
important decision. You see how culturally conditioned that decision was. He met a role expectation, didn't he? She met a
role expectation, didn't she? He looked like he would be so successful. She was so pretty. He was such an athlete. Your mother
said he was better for you than the other guy. Your parents said that she came from such a good home. Think of all the bartering
that goes on in our minds. For some of us, we lived in a time when couples just naturally got married at the time they graduated
from high school or college. So what did they do? Some just married the person they happened to be going with at that point
in life. Just think of what that is. Here we are between age 18 and 25, seeing the world from that limited perspective and
blurred somewhat by that crazy mix of hormones.
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Spiritual Side of Domestic Violence Org., 2009
All rights reserved.
Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD
BIBLE®,© Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation - Used by permission.
Also using scripture from the KJV where
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