Spiritual Side of Domestic Violence


Email subscriptons
SITE MAP - Spiritual Side of Domestic Violence. Org
DV Personal Stories
The Things We Don't Want To Talk About
You Are Not Alone!
Judges Chapter 19
Harpo and Sophia -- (The Color Purple)
The Signs of Abuse
Resources For Those Who Abuse
Domestic Violence/Abuse Courses
An Open Letter to Pastors
There Is Nothing New Under The Sun
Preach the Word!
The Wrong Advice
Thus Saith the Lord
She Was Married To Christ First
Biblical Submission
Domestic Violence And Alcohol
Happily Ever After
Teen Dating and Violence
My Favorite Hymns and Prayers
Links - When It Is Time To Leave
Resources For Church Leaders
Visit My Store
Man Is Defiled From Within
Profile of the Sociopath
Can Abusers Change?
Should I Forgive My Abuser?
You Are So Sensitive
Myths That Can Destroy A Marriage
Domestic Violence/The Workplace
Male Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence and Abusive Women
Domestic Violence and Advertising

I like it better when others say things about me, good things that is, rather than say much about myself. So, I will keep it short.

I am a mom, a grandmother, sister, friend and most of all – a Christian. I grew up in Philadelphia, Pa., and currently reside in  Atlanta, GA.

Although I have several talents that keep my mind busy, writing is my “fast ball.” My gift from God. I am in partnership with the Holy Spirit to write what I am directed to share with this dying world, and whatever is encouraging to the children of God.

As middle age approached, I pondered a lot of things – mainly concerning my life and my walk with Christ. Realizing that I am in my season of 60′s, just started – I do not have time to waste on the things of this world anymore. I now “count many things as lost,” and cling to my Savior. I have my physical challenges and trials in life still, but I know I am headed towards a better place, home with my Friend, and Savior. Someday I too shall meet God, and all that matters to me now is to hear Him say, “Well done.”

As the many who write about domestic violence and abuse – I write from my heart. I grew up watching my mother and her friends live with this horror, and vowed to never allow this evil to happen to me. Well, when you grow up witnessing violence and abuse, you either become an abuser, or one that will most likely be abused. I am not sure what exact components in the human brain determine these outcomes, but I had always known I would not put up with abuse.

My oldest brother learned to hit, and he paid for what he learned in my mother’s house. His girlfriend murdered him. Domestic violence was ever present in my life, and I know much too much about it to keep it all inside – and so, I write. I write for those who lost their lives, and for those who continue to suffer. Most of all, I write to honor my Lord Jesus Christ.
It is my hope and prayer that visitors to my blog and website are blessed with hope and help. Please stop by often, my soul is filled – my memories vivid – my Savior prompting – and there is much more that needs to be said. Abuse – IT RARELY STOPS!

If you want to see a picture of me, you will have to wait until I publish my first book. I am kind of shy that way. Thanks for reading what the Holy Spirit and I put together in partnership.

God Bless.


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© Spiritual Side of Domestic Violence Org., 2009

All rights reserved.

Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,© Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation - Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)
Also using scripture from the KJV where noted.

Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.
To learn more about the Hotline, please click on the following link:
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NOTE: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY PARTICULAR CHURCH OR BELIEF, EXCEPT CHRISTIAN BELIEFS. However, the Wisdom of God can be found wherever God leads us to discover and experience it. Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the foundation of this ministry.




Any information on this site is for informational purposes only. Visitors of this site shall assume all responsibility as to how the shared information will be used on a personal basis. This organization does not provide counseling services of any kind.

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