Spiritual Side of Domestic Violence

The Signs of Abuse
Email subscriptons
SITE MAP - Spiritual Side of Domestic Violence. Org
DV Personal Stories
The Things We Don't Want To Talk About
You Are Not Alone!
Judges Chapter 19
Harpo and Sophia -- (The Color Purple)
The Signs of Abuse
Resources For Those Who Abuse
Domestic Violence/Abuse Courses
An Open Letter to Pastors
There Is Nothing New Under The Sun
Preach the Word!
The Wrong Advice
Thus Saith the Lord
She Was Married To Christ First
Biblical Submission
Domestic Violence And Alcohol
Happily Ever After
Teen Dating and Violence
My Favorite Hymns and Prayers
Links - When It Is Time To Leave
Resources For Church Leaders
Visit My Store
Man Is Defiled From Within
Profile of the Sociopath
Can Abusers Change?
Should I Forgive My Abuser?
You Are So Sensitive
Myths That Can Destroy A Marriage
Domestic Violence/The Workplace
Male Victims of Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence and Abusive Women
Domestic Violence and Advertising

The goal of this web site, is to become a one-stop resource for victims of domestic violence and abuse. When in a crisis, time is of the essence to find valuable information quickly. Please join us in this effort to minimize the research for those who need answers now. Donating via Paypal is fast, secure, and free. Thank you very much!

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the
church and gave Himself up for her."
Ephesians 5:25

..."acknowledge your iniquity..."
Jeremiah 3:13

Not every woman that is verbally abused is physically abused. Although this is usually the norm, there are exceptions. With the absence of physical violence, perhaps many women just assume they are not being abused. When their mate’s exhibit a bad temper, or lashes out with verbal insults, numerous women feel their partner's behavior is normal. They often conclude, “That's just the way he is.” “He had a bad day.” Or, “I must have done or said something to set him off.”

Funny thing though, when our children have temper tantrums, we immediately try to correct their behavior. It can be embarrassing and nerve wrecking, and more than likely we don’t put up with it.  Johnny throws his toy truck at his sister, and he suffers the consequences of a spanking or punishment. But when Johnny’s father throws a plate at his wife, he just “had a hard day.” So why couldn't it be that Johnny Jr., just had a “hard day?” The school psychologist sends a note home one day, “Johnny is anti-social, and he needs counseling.” You start to worry. You seek immediate solutions.


We recognize the negative behaviors in our children that we immediately seek to correct. Well, good parents do anyway. But we make excuses and allowances for our mates when they act like little Johnny. In many ways, those who abuse are having adult temper tantrums, but often make the excuse that they are justified. There is never any justification for abusing anyone for any reason. How could little Johnny justify throwing his toy truck at his sister? He can’t!

With the absence of black eyes and broken bones, it is difficult to convince other people that you are being emotionally abused. If you call the police sporting a black eye, the abuser is automatically arrested in many states. But if you tell the police that you are being verbally assaulted, they would not understand. They may ask if your life is being threatened in any way, but to understand the depths of the assault on your mind is beyond them.


But somewhere deep within your soul, you know that something is wrong. Calling you the “B” word isn’t the same as calling you “Honey.” Your mind doesn’t receive them the same. “Honey” will conjure up warm feelings that make you smile. And the “B” word makes your soul cringe. One will bring tears of joy; the other will bring tears of sorrow.



"There is no way to tell for sure if someone is experiencing domestic violence. Those who are battered, and those who abuse, come in all personality types. Battered women are not always passive with low self-esteem, and batterers are not always violent or hateful to their partner in front of others. Most people experiencing relationship violence do not tell others what goes on at home. So how do you tell?"



U.S. Department of Agriculture--Domestic Violence Awareness Handbook



It covers topics such as:

  • Breaking the Silence on Domestic Violence
  • Domestic Violence…What Is It?
  • Who Are the Victims?
  • Myths About Family Violence
  • What Can You Say to a Victim?
  • What is a Safety Plan?
  • What Each of Us Can Do
  • What Communities Can Do To Prevent Domestic Violence
  • Domestic Violence and the Workplace
  • Where Can You Get Help?


Am I Abusive in my Relationship?


There are 21 questions on this site that will assist you with assessing your current relationship/marriage. If you reside in Rhode Island, you will also find a links for resources in your area. The resources will include shelters and contact information.




No portion of this web site may be copied, edited, or used in any form without prior permission.


© Spiritual Side of Domestic Violence Org., 2009

All rights reserved.

Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,© Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation - Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)
Also using scripture from the KJV where noted.

Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.
To learn more about the Hotline, please click on the following link:
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If you are in danger, please use a safer computer that your abuser can not access
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NOTE: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY PARTICULAR CHURCH OR BELIEF, EXCEPT CHRISTIAN BELIEFS. However, the Wisdom of God can be found wherever God leads us to discover and experience it. Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the foundation of this ministry.




Any information on this site is for informational purposes only. Visitors of this site shall assume all responsibility as to how the shared information will be used on a personal basis. This organization does not provide counseling services of any kind.

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