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For most people, in order to fix a particular problem, it makes sense to go back to the beginning – the conception of the problem that needs to be addressed, and apply the most logical solutions. But when it comes to the violence and abuse that my people exhibit towards one another, where do you start to access their origin? How do you trace the paths of violence of Black America, and put a stop to the way we maim, murder, rape, abuse, and flat out mistreat one another? It is easy to pin point the exact injustices we suffered from other races, one in particular. But where and how do we begin to address the injustices that we force upon our loved ones, and our people in general? 


It took me a while to work on this post, and it will take volumes to answer the above questions. To narrow things down a bit, I have concluded that there are two main avenues whereby injustice has been allowed to grow, fester, and destroy the unity of my people – spiritually and culturally; I will address the latter first.




Culturally, I believe that slavery did permanent damage to Blacks, African-Americans. I use both terms, for not all Blacks in America view themselves as “African Americans.” Just as children who grow up witnessing domestic violence learn negative behaviors, I believe that we as a people have passed down the views of White America.


Blacks in America have always been viewed as “inferior,” “shiftless,” “lazy,” “niggers,” and by many other derogatory descriptions. Unfortunately, we have adopted by way of projection and brainwashing, the attitudes of White America towards us – turning those attitudes inward and outward towards those who are of our own race.


I am not going to embark upon a history lesson here, yet, at the same time – we need to learn from our history. The same way that White slave owners treated their slaves is the same way we treat one another. The White man calls us “Nigger,” – we call one another “Nigger.” The White man demeans our women and young girls – our men do the same, (beating, whipping, slapping, rape, murder). On our corporate jobs, if our manager is a Black person, more than likely he or she will treat Black subordinates like the “House Nigger” treated the field slaves. In other words, the mentality of the White slave owner is adopted by the once field Negro that is now allowed in the big house. He looks down on his own people.



Now, let it be known that I am not a racist, nor do I hate White people. I am just stating facts that most people would like to forget, or never acknowledge at all. You see, domestic violence has to involve more than a spiritual issue within the Black community. Something dire had to happen in order for my race to turn away from God, the One True source that has kept our families together. Even though most Black Americans grew up with some sort of “religion,” and a reasonable knowledge of God, there were/are core issues that have never been truly addressed within our race. One of those issues is how we view one another, and how we view ourselves.


Here is a short list of things we adopted from slavery:


1.     Devalue human life

2.     Devalue our own lives

3.     View one another as inferior – (Nigger, Bit.., hoe, big booty heifer, etc)

4.     Devalue our children

5.     Learned to be angry, frustrated, vengeful, cold-hearted, jealous, etc.

6.     Devalue our origin – The Real Eve – http://www.documentary-log.com/d107-the-real-eve/

7.     Brainwashed by White America

8.     Learned self-hatred from years of oppression and dehumanized treatment

9.     Loss of self-respect, and respect for one another



Most of all, we disconnected from the One True God, who has been the source of keeping the Black family together.


I am going to take my time with this post, for I need to pray in between for the answers that will help my people.


More to come!


Here is the direct link to the Real Truth About Eve. Do yourself a favor and watch it. I will get back to this post real soon.



Visit documentary-log.com for free online documentaries!

Know your history, know WHO you REALLY are!


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© Spiritual Side of Domestic Violence Org., 2009

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Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,© Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation - Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org)
Also using scripture from the KJV where noted.

Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.
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